Monday, June 18, 2012

dark chocolate ganache with cherries and a shortbread crust

I realized the other day that while I bake quite often, I never post about it. I rarely remember to take pictures and if I do they are never quite as high quality as I want them to be. So I've decided to try a little series of food blogging, although I make no promises about length or quality. Here's to experimenting!

The cherry crop in Michigan didn't do very well this year, but I was able to get a hold of some and knew I had to bake something with them before they disappeared. I went with a cherry ganache tart with shortbread crust recipe I saw over at Always With Butter and it did not disappoint.

The shortbread crust was absolutely delicious and I was really impressed by how smooth the ganache was. Next time I would add more cherries because they really helped balance the richness of the rest of the dessert. Speaking of which, did you know you can pit cherries with a paper clip? It worked extremely well and left the rest of the cherry intact for presentation.

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